Thursday, April 2, 2009

Reflections from Nikki: the Crossroads family gets together to be a family for college students who have none...

On Sunday, I had the pleasure and honor of seeing several adults and children come together to put donations in a care package for orphans. You see, one doesn't typically think about orphans much these days, but they are all around us and hurting. Each of the kids we put a package together for has persevered through all of their hardships and obstacles to pursue a higher education, without any family support. We wanted each of these individuals to know that they were supported by love and prayers by each person who put a package together. The packages were filled with goodies and small little tokens of fun for them to enjoy while studying for their finals as well as a personalized note from the person that put their specific package together. It was such a blessing to see mothers and fathers helping their children go around the room and collect items for the packages or to see a young couple as they served together. It was so amazing to see the interest in everyone's eyes as they listened to Tracy speak from the Orphan Foundation of America about these kids and the programs and support that they offered. All in all, I think it was a wonderful experience for everyone that participated as we spread the love of Christ to orphans in college.

--Nikki Doremus

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